
10+1 Snacks in Nutritional Triads

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In this article, we present ideas for snacks featuring a nutritional triad— a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables or fruit— designed for maximum satiety, a plethora of nutrients, and fullness of taste.


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Constipation is a common problem that affects people of all ages. In this article, we analyze with a scientific eye what constipation is and how we can deal with it effectively with diet and some lifestyle interventions.

The DASH Diet for Better Health

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In this article, we explore a diet as popular as the Mediterranean Diet. How was the DASH diet created? What health benefits does it have? Is it better than the Mediterranean Diet, so we should prefer it?

5 Goals for 2024 to Foster a Positive Relationship with Nutrition & the Body

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A strong connection with nutrition and the body serves as the cornerstone of any nutritional intervention, alongside achieving other essential goals such as health, disease management, and athletic performance. What are the five nutrition goals for 2024 that can contribute to a positive relationship with nutrition and the body? Explore this article for inspiration for your own nutrition goals.

What Should I Eat to Deflate After the Holidays?

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Festive tables usually feature many rich foods, special dishes, and an abundance of sweets, often leaving us feeling bloated afterward. The close proximity of days during which we consume these indulgences contributes to this post-holiday discomfort. So, what can we choose to feel better and return to normal eating patterns? Read on for combinations and solutions that will help us "deflate."

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