
5 Goals for 2024 to Foster a Positive Relationship with Nutrition & the Body

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A strong connection with nutrition and the body serves as the cornerstone of any nutritional intervention, alongside achieving other essential goals such as health, disease management, and athletic performance. What are the five nutrition goals for 2024 that can contribute to a positive relationship with nutrition and the body? Explore this article for inspiration for your own nutrition goals.

1. Eat Consciously

Practicing conscious eating empowers us to better control the quality and quantity of the food we consume, aligning it with our dietary objectives. Techniques like slow chewing, savoring tastes and textures, avoiding screen distractions during meals, and recognizing hunger and satiety signals are just a few mindful approaches to try.

2. Understand Hunger and Satiety Signals

A subcategory of the previous goal, but with remarkable results. Beyond responding with a simple "hungry" or "not hungry," rate hunger and satiety on a scale of 1-10. This nuanced approach helps us gauge our level of hunger and choose snacks accordingly. For instance, if it's 7 pm and hunger is substantial, rather than opting for fruit and nuts, which might leave us unsatisfied, proceed to dinner to feel pleasantly full, akin to a comforting "hug."

3. Create Meal Triads and Snack Dyads

A cherished target! Crafting combinations of protein-carbohydrate-fruit/vegetable for main meals and fruit-nut/carbohydrate for snacks enhances satiety and nutrient intake. These combinations trigger serotonin production, the "happy hormone," providing a sense of fullness and well-being.

4. Bounce Back After a Meal Slip-up

Arguably the most challenging goal on the list. When a meal doesn't go as planned, negative emotions like regret and a sense of failure can be overwhelming. However, pushing forward and applying healthy eating practices to the next meal is crucial for a smooth dietary journey. It serves as a lifesaver in regaining focus and moving on.

5. Engage in Physical Activities You Love

Absolutely delightful! What's better than pursuing activities you love? The more enthusiasm we have, the easier it is to succeed. Think about the times you woke up excited for a beloved activity versus a routine task. The same applies to exercise; choosing something enjoyable and realistic prevents it from becoming a chore or a "must" in our daily routine. This approach ensures long-term commitment rather than abandoning it by March.


In conclusion, these nutrition goals for 2024 can bring you closer to a positive relationship with food and your body. Once you master these aspects, achieving any other dietary goals becomes attainable. Happy New Year!

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