All services can be performed in both live and remote sessions.



The appearance of each person is an issue that concerns only them and nobody else. Weight management sessions may aim at reducing or increasing or maintaining body weight for appearance and/or health. In any case, weight management should be discussed with the Dietitian-Nutritionist, in order to determine the goal, which will be in line with the client’s desires and official guidelines.

This way, the intervention for weight modification will be done in a safe way and, at the same time, a healthy body composition (percentages of fat and muscle mass) will be achieved.

Indicative changes that can be achieved:
-reduction of body weight-fat
-increase in body weight - muscle mass
-body weight maintenance



Clinical nutrition may play a leading or auxiliary role in the regulation of diseases and illnesses. Its purpose is to contribute to the prevention and treatment of pathological conditions, the management/relief of symptoms, to boost the immune defense and to strengthen the individual's organism, etc. Health and disease are equal manifestations of life itself. It is important that our diet can suit us, but also to serve any particular situation in which we are, contributing the most to the quality of life.Indicative diseases and clinical conditions in which diet plays a significant role:
• Cardiovascular Disease, such as Stroke, Coronary Heart Disease, Peripheral Arterial Disease
• Dyslipidemias, such as high "bad" LDL cholesterol, high total cholesterol, low "good" HDL cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, etc.
• Hypertension
• Metabolic Syndrome
• Diabetes mellitus (DM), such as type I DM, type II DM, LADA DM, prediabetes, insulin resistance, gestational diabetes, etc.
• Diseases and Symptoms of the Digestive System, such as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastritis, Diverticulitis, abdominal distension (bloating), constipation, etc.
• Autoimmune Diseases, such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjögren’s Syndrome, etc.
• Infectious Diseases, such as AIDS, etc.
• Liver Diseases, such as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), Cholelithiasis, Cholecystitis
• Pancreatic diseases, such as Chronic Pancreatitis
• Intolerances, such as Gluten Intolerance (Celiac Disease, Non-Celiac Gluten Intolerance-NCGS), Lactose Intolerance
• Kidney Diseases, such as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Kidney Transplantation, Kidney Failure
• Neurological diseases, such as Vascular Stroke, Parkinson's Disease, etc.
• Heart Failure
• Pulmonary diseases, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Asthma, Respiratory Insufficiency, etc.
• Anemias, such as iron deficiency, etc.
• Cancer and treatment of side effects
• Side effects of medication, such as corticosteroids, antidepressants, etc. (eg weight gain, edema, anorexia, excessive appetite, constipation, etc.)



Sports nutrition can play a leading role in an intervention, meaning that the whole intervention is aimed at athletic performance, or it can be an integral part of the clinical practice in the form of advice for the combination of the nutrition and the sports program, or it may have no role in our session and possibly be added later. An essential addition to an athlete's daily routine is a personalized diet plan, according to the goal they want to achieve.Indicative situations where sports nutrition plays a role:

• modification of body composition to achieve desired body fat levels, according to the sport
• increase efficiency (strength, endurance, explosion, acceleration)
• Improve recovery after exercise
• Filling energy stores with suitable meals
• Enhancing overall health



Eating disorders have to do with a person's relationship with their food and their body image. As food has complex roles in our lives that extend beyond the simple and straightforward function of nourishment, it is logical that sometimes our relationship with it gets disrupted. In this case, our session focuses on restoring the relationship with food, through dialogue, giving information, goal setting, etc.

It is important to build an open relationship of trust with the dietitian and, if necessary, with scientists from other disciplines so that with their help we can approach our inner feelings and thoughts and create a happy relationship with our food.



Is it the difficult daily life that leads to a bad diet or the bad diet that leads to a difficult daily life? I would suggest that this question receives a unique answer for each individual, as it can be influenced by a variety of factors. In any case, it makes sense to take a closer look at our routines to see which elements are challenging. Diet can definitely be one of them.

Respectively, the more we build and evolve our daily life, the more we are ready to adapt our "beliefs" in it and to find space and time for modifications. In this way, we can gradually, successfully, and safely, shift to the dietary patterns we support.

Indicative problems or lifestyle changes that may be related to diet:
-low energy
-difficulty in organizing/preparing meals
-organization of family food
-switch to a vegetarian diet (vegetarian, vegan)
-transition to the Mediterranean diet



Obesity is a disease with a complex etiological background. Specifically, genetic and environmental factors are combined leading to overweight and excess fat with often adverse consequences for the health, the well-being, the daily life and the psychology of the individual. It is important that the person gets informed about the disease and the therapeutic alternatives, in order to decide if they would like to attempt a modification in their daily life.

In any case, nutritional education is the leading way of the therapeutic process and it should never be confused with interventions of sports nutrition or simple weight management, etc., which may have different approaches, goals and time horizon. During the obesity session, information is provided, motivations are investigated and evaluated, realistic goals are set, stimulus control is performed, a nutrition action plan is designed, etc.

Nutritional education is a long process and requires persistence and patience. Knowing that this issue concerns many people and possibly in different ways, I undoubtedly suggest having at least a first session to get information, so that the person can clarify their desires and goals and choose the way to go.



The diet in this case aims at managing symptoms or meeting needs in specific situations that a woman experiences during her lifetime. Having a complex hormonal mechanism and going through different physiological phases, it is important to be supported properly. From adolescence, to adulthood, to reproduction - for those who choose it - to menopause, women face different challenges.Indicative situations in which diet plays a role:

• Dysmenorrhea
• Polycystic ovary syndrome
• Pregnancy
• Breastfeeding
• Menopause
• Infertility



If you are far away or do not have time for transportation or you have difficulty moving, you can start an online diet, from the comfort of your own home. All services provided face-to-face can be done just as effectively remotely. In fact, as we have worked this way with many dieters, I have noticed that it also contributes to the development of self-monitoring skills, higher ability to follow the diet, and attachment to the nutrition plan.

How is it done?
• Video calling via Messenger, Viber, Whatsapp, Skype
• Measurements of weight and body circumferences by the dieters themselves at home, after indication
• Receive of the diet plan via email or chat
• Payment by deposit in a bank account


All packages can be made both face-to-face and remotely.


1 hour and 15 minutes
  • Medical record and definition of the dietary intervention plan


40 minutes
  • Only for people who have conducted the First Session- monitoring, evaluation, counseling
  • It is recommended that the sessions take place every fifteen days. However, the period between sessions may vary, depending on the case and the needs.
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