
10 Quotes on Nutrition and Eating Disorders You Should Read

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Find 10 quotes that will inspire you to continue your journey with nutrition and healing your relationship with food.

10 quotes on nutrition and eating disorders you should read:

  1. "If you stock your pantry with healthy foods, your diet will be healthy too."
    Instead of struggling to resist temptations, it's better not to have them at all. Keep in your fridge and pantry the foods you truly want to eat, not those that sabotage your efforts and trigger binge eating.
  2. "I said to my body, softly: I want to be your friend. It took a deep breath and replied: I've been waiting for this my whole life."
    It’s never too late to become friends with your body. Patiently, it waits for us to love and care for it. Use nutrition to embrace your body, not punish it.
  3. "Asking for help is one of the bravest things you can do!"
    A person who asks for help with a problem is strong enough to start the path toward solving it. The same goes for any struggles with nutrition. It will get better as long as you ask for help. Reach out to us here.
  4. "I won’t let the number on the scale dictate my day!"
    What you see on the scale is just a number. There are countless ways to measure progress in your diet, like how your clothes fit, using a tape measure, how you feel, or how much your quality of life has improved. In nutritional therapy, I often ask you to put the scale away and leave it there.
  5. "Eating disorders are serious psychiatric problems, not a choice."
    Stop blaming people who have eating disorders! They are not a choice but complex issues influenced by many factors. Eating disorders can be treated.
  6. "Every meal and snack is an opportunity for self-care through good nutrition."
    Even if you've had a binge or if one, two, or three meals went completely wrong, your next meal or snack is a new chance to take care of yourself. Balanced meals and snacks will help you feel in control and satisfied. Check out these 10+1 snacks in nutritional triads to help you feel fuller at your meals from now on.
  7. "I deserve love and acceptance!"
    Start saying this phrase every time you doubt your body. Positive affirmations help rewire your brain to find real solutions for your nutrition, not punishment, overeating, or deprivation. You are the first person who needs to accept you.
  8. "An organized fridge is the first step to an organized diet."
    Organize your fridge and fill it with healthy and nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, and snacks that nourish you. Keep foods that make your journey harder out of sight. Next time you open the fridge, you'll find something aligned with your goals. Struggling with food organization? Read 12 tips for a low-budget healthy diet that will help you.
  9. "Nutrition is science, not opinion."
    Don’t trust everyone’s opinions on nutrition or what "worked" for them. The only person who can properly guide you is the licensed Dietitian-Nutritionist you trust.
  10. "Health isn’t about the weight you lose, but the life you gain!"
    Weight is just a number, one of many health indicators. Quality of life, physical fitness, overall health, good lab results, how you feel, and your mental well-being are all things you can gain through proper nutrition.


My name is Katerina Magdalinou. I am a Dietitian-Nutritionist, and I love helping people who struggle with their diet build a healthy relationship with food and their body. My main focus is on dealing with binge eating, irregular eating schedules, mindless snacking, difficulty controlling food quality and quantity, and weight management. My approach includes nutritional interventions combined with elements of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Read more about me here.


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