
Pre-workout and post-workout meal

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A frequent question of those who exercise intensively is what they should eat before and after exercise for better training and performance. These two meals are called the "pre-workout" and "post-workout" meals and are of utmost importance to get the best results from exercise.

Low-calorie sweeteners

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What are low-calorie sweeteners?
Low-calorie sweeteners are ingredients with a sweet taste and few or no calories or substances that taste so sweet that they can be used in tiny amounts, resulting in negligible calories. That is because they can be 200 or 300 times sweeter than sugar (like stevia). Many products include low-calorie sweeteners, such as food and beverages, chewing gum, ice creams, yogurts, pastries, desserts, soft drinks, light products etc. Sometimes they are also used in the pharmaceutical industry to improve the taste of medicines. Finally, we find them in the supermarket as an alternative to sugar and honey for our drinks (see stevia, aspartame, saccharin) or sweets we prepare.

Type 2 diabetes

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What diabetes is

Diabetes is a chronic disease occurring when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the body cannot effectively use the produced insulin. Insulin is a principal hormone that regulates blood glucose. If the blood glucose levels are higher than standard- a condition called hyperglycemia or elevated glucose or elevated sugar and is common in uncontrolled and unregulated diabetes - then over the ages, the damage is created in various organs (like nerves, blood vessels, etc.). We can diagnose diabetes through blood glucose testing.

Mindful and Intuitive Eating

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What is mindful eating?
Mindful eating is a term that describes the action of consciously choosing the food we want to consume. To do this, we need to learn to distinguish hunger and cravings, to identify the signs of satiety - that is, when we are full- and the differences between physical and psychological hunger. Being aware of the present -the moment we eat or want to eat - and paying attention to the effect of food and our sensations when we eat are characteristics of mindful eating.

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