
The Group of Fruits under the Microscope

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The group of fruits is essential in our diet because it supplies us with an abundance of nutrients, contributing to the orderly functioning of the body. In this article, we break down what the fruit group is, what the portions are for fruit, and how to include them in our diet, according to the National Dietary Guidelines.

How do we help children strengthen their NQ? (1)

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NQ stands for nutritional intelligence, which we all possess and can harness to achieve our nutrition goals. NQ is unique to each person and depends on various factors, such as our family, experiences, and unique DNA. How can we help children empower their NQ to develop the best possible relationship with their diet and body?

How to Choose the Right Diet for Your Goals?

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When embarking on a dietary change, it's important to identify the diet that best aligns with your goals and to pinpoint where you need to focus your efforts for optimal, long-lasting results. Let's explore different scenarios to help you understand where to direct your attention based on your objectives.

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