
Before and After the NQ Diet

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What does a diet that strengthens our NQ—our unique nutritional intelligence, which we all have and can cultivate—actually offer? Let’s explore what we can learn from a nutritional approach that focuses on building a healthy relationship with food and our bodies.

Before and After the NQ Diet

Before: Carbs make you gain weight!
After: If I don’t eat carbs, how will I effectively regulate my blood glucose?

Before: All carbs are the same.
After: There are carbs that help maintain healthy blood glucose levels and others that don’t.

Before: I overate yesterday, so today I won’t eat anything.
After: I eat my regular meals throughout the day. I overate yesterday. Today, I won’t overeat.

Before: I need to count every calorie I consume.
After: I need to eat the right food combinations that support my serotonin and glucose levels.

Before: I’ll have a dessert instead of a meal to avoid extra calories.
After: I’ll eat my proper meal first and then have dessert.

Before: I’m always hungry.
After: Is this really hunger that I’m feeling? What emotion am I experiencing right now? When was my last balanced meal? Let me distinguish whether I’m truly hungry or just craving something.

Before: I’m feeling sad. I’ll eat to calm myself down.
After: I’m feeling sad. First, I’ll take care of my emotions, and once I feel better, I’ll have a nutritious, well-balanced meal to support my serotonin levels.

Before: I can’t say “no” when someone offers me a treat—I just take it and eat it.
After: If I don’t want to accept a treat, I politely say “no” and decline. I don’t force myself to eat it.

Before: I need to finish all the food on my plate so it doesn’t go to waste.
After: When weighing “food waste” against my health, I choose my health. A little food in the trash is better than a poor relationship with food and my body.

Before: I must avoid sweets at all costs.
After: I should focus on avoiding non-nutritious foods.

Before: I feel uncomfortable if I eat differently from those around me.
After: Everyone is different, with unique needs, and should eat accordingly. I’ll nourish my body with what it needs without feeling ashamed.

Before: I can’t eat healthy because I don’t have time to cook.
After: I have a collection of quick, healthy recipes and nutritious takeout options for when I’m short on time.

Before: Eating healthy is expensive.
After: Choosing nutrient-dense foods and combinations means I’m eating healthily. These foods aren’t more expensive than fast food or takeout.

Before: I must always have sweets at home in case guests come over.
After: If I have sweets and snacks at home, I’ll likely eat them. I can stock foods that align with my goals, and if a guest comes over, I can get something then.

If you’re interested in trying a different approach to nutrition and developing a healthier relationship with food and your body, contact us here.

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