
Quick Trios for Breakfast That Keep Us Full for Hours

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Triads of food make an excellent choice for supplying our bodies with energy and nutrients, ensuring lasting fullness. In this article, we provide easy ideas on how to create nutritional triads for breakfast, setting the stage for a productive and nutritionally balanced day.

What Are Food Triads?

A trio of foods is a strategic combination that provides the body with the necessary energy and nutrients, keeping you full for an extended period. This effective combination involves protein and carbohydrates, working together in the body to produce the happiness hormone, serotonin. The triad is perfected with a food rich in fiber and water, such as fruit or vegetables. This combination leaves us feeling satisfied and satiated after our meal, ensuring lasting fullness.

Why Should Breakfast Include a Trio of Foods?

Breakfast is a crucial meal that allows us to intake a multitude of nutrients. As it precedes various daily activities, feeling energized is essential. Skipping breakfast often leads to consuming nutrient-poor foods later in the day, as hunger pushes us to opt for calorie-dense choices. Pastries, croissants, sausage pies, snacking on sweets at work, and overly large lunches that cause discomfort are common pitfalls. Instead of these, establishing a morning trio of quality foods within the first 2-3 hours after waking up can significantly aid nutritional management throughout the day.

Triads of Food for Breakfast

Here are some examples of food triads for breakfast. While the combinations are diverse, we can customize our own based on taste and food availability. Our triads are presented as protein-carbohydrate-fruit/vegetable:

  • Milk 1.5% - oats - banana
  • Kefir - cereal - sliced apple and cinnamon
  • 1 toast with low-fat cheese - wholemeal bread and fruit afterward
  • Cream cheese - wholemeal rusks - cherry tomatoes
  • Katiki cheese - wholemeal bread - 100% fruit jam
  • Cream cheese - wholemeal bread - banana
  • Boiled/poached egg - wholemeal bread - cucumber
  • Ntakos with cottage cheese - rusks - tomato
  • Thessaloniki bun with low-fat cheese, the bun, and vegetables
  • Tortilla with grilled chicken, low-fat cheese, and vegetables


Food triads for breakfast offer an excellent way to provide quality "fuel" to our bodies in the morning and kickstart our day with variety. Triads serve as an easy method to introduce diversity into our meals. Wondering why the article specifically emphasizes breakfast? Read about the importance of breakfast here.

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