
10+1 steps to improve body image

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10+1 simple steps that can help us improve our body image. Of course, it is impossible to change anything just by reading a list of ideas. However, exposing ourselves to texts, opinions, and thoughts on diet and the body can influence body image. This list aims to help us create new thinking patterns that support a healthy relationship between food and the body.

What is body image

Body image is the perception we have in the mind of our own body (shape, size, form) and our feelings about it. That does not always correspond to its existing image. It's okay to have goals and aspirations for our bodies and diet, but if we have negative feelings or measure our worth via achieving goals in this area can't benefit us and should be evaluated. Through the "10+1 Steps to Improve Body Image," we can begin to think about what it would be like if we didn't confuse our self-worth with what we believe our bodies are like.

10+1 steps to improve body image

1. We appreciate all that our bodies can do for us. Our body is much more than weight or shape. It can run, play, fall in love, do various useful processes, deal with fascinating things, and much more! Nature created it to help us cope with numerous conditions in the best possible way.

2. We wear clothes that make us feel comfortable in our bodies. The fashion industry often promotes designs, sizes, and colors that suit certain body types. We don't need to chase this. There are many comfortable and beautiful clothes that can fit us and flatter our bodies. They may not be the obvious choice to us, but giving an effort, we will find them.

3. We associate with people who support a good relationship with our bodies. It's not enough to try to improve body image; it is also significant to have people around us who can support us. If our environment tends to evaluate people based on their appearance this is probably not a very helpful condition to improve our body image.

4. We keep one list of the top 10 things we love about ourselves, regardless of body features. So the list won't include the phrase "I'm tall" but "I'm very good at the piano" or "I'm there for my friends when they need me". Something like this reminds us that we are not just a body but mainly human beings with mind and soul. We read our list often and add other things we love about ourselves.

5. Our beauty is our confidence. Indeed, when we feel good and beautiful about ourselves, it radiates. Confidence and an open attitude make us pretty. Beauty is primarily a state of mind and not of body. I challenge you to observe various people with different characteristics and decide whether what makes them likable is their natural beauty or their confidence, and vice versa!

6. We criticize the stimuli that surround us from the media and social networking. What messages do these media give us? What bodies do they project? What do they "force" us to wear? What hobbies are considered acceptable? What is the effect of all this on us? We observe images, feelings, and behaviors that make us uncomfortable or feel bad. The next time we receive such a stimulus, we will respond.

7. We silence the voices in our heads that say our bodies aren't "right" or that we're "bad" people. We can beat these negative thoughts with positive ones, like finding and reading our paper from step 4. Alternatively, we use safety tips that work quickly and reassure us.

8. We do something beautiful for ourselves. Acts of love toward our body show that we value it. That could be a bubble bath, a restful sleep, or a walk in a park that we enjoy. Our body's natural space is where it feels comfortable and happy and not within specific pounds or numbers.

9. We see ourselves as a whole person. When we look in the mirror we try to focus on ourselves as we would like others to see us, not on specific parts of our body.

10. We use our time and energy to help others. Instead of spending hours worrying about food, weight, and body shape, we do something to help other people. Such an occupation helps us feel better about ourselves and to see something different, expanding our world.

11. We find a new hobby that does not involve effects on the body. There is no better self-enhancement than doing something we love, relaxes us, and strengthens aspects of ourselves.


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